Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Inside Out

Okay..... this is going to be really difficult. I want to write a little 'review' (more of a rant than a review to be fair) but I don't want to swear throughout because this is actually regarding a topic that is important to me and I don't want to come across bitter and negative (even thou I am). I'm not eloquent enough to explain my feelings without losing my temper. 

It's also hard because I adore literally all Disney movies, especially Pixar. My security blanket movie is Finding Nemo.

But I swear, I must be the only person to really hate this movie. 

For those of you who have yet to see it, the story revolves around Riley, an 11 year old girl from Minnesota whole life gets turned upside down when her parents uproot her and move to San Francisco. We basically watch everything happen through the reactions of her five core emotions (joy, anger, fear, disgust and sadness) and we watch how they help guide her through the difficult life-changing event. Sounds like a brilliant idea for a movie and a clever way to introduce children to emotions and help them understand how and why some people struggle more.

I personally just think it failed with its execution. Had it been written and produced correctly I think it would have been the perfect platform to discuss how depression can effect people. 

Years ago, depression and mental problems were nothing but whispers and nobody listened. But over the past few years people have been speaking up and sharing their struggles, and it has helped others realise the seriousness of the situation. And this film as I said, would be a good way to even help children get a basic understanding. Riley's behaviour considering the circumstances is textbook signs of depression. If you have seen the film you will know what I'm talking about.

The problem I had with it was it was clearly written by someone who has never experienced depression for themselves. And as I have, I felt rather let down by its dreadful stereotyping.

Not all depressed people are sad. We don't all cry every day. Crying does not help us feel better. Personally, when I'm feeling depressed I can't describe how I'm feeling, but I know it isn't sadness. It is a multitude of emotions, all clambering to the forefront of the brain. Someone on Tumblr covered it perfectly with this doodle...
I know I'm probably over-analysing and dissecting the movie too much, but personally I feel that the writers have portrayed emotional 'sad' people as nothing more than a bunch of irritating cry babies. Which is completely inaccurate.

I don't have an issue with the Riley character, or even four of the emotions.... It's Sadness that really wound me up. When I'm 'sad' I go for a walk to clear my head, I speak to my family and they help me discuss my feelings. I sure as hell don't flop to the floor and cry like a bitch. There was one quote that really bugged me, when Sadness said "crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems"


All the progress that has been made on the subject of emotional disorders and THIS is what Disney felt is appropriate to say. What a crock of sh--- poop! This is clearly going to damage the progression of depression awareness especially for children as they are just going to see sad people as criers who lay on the floor and sulk all the time. Which is not true. Personally, I cry when I'm angry, hungry, tired and happy. But rarely when I'm sad.

A friend said to me that maybe Disney probably just went basic to avoid any confusion for children, as the complexity of emotions is somewhat difficult to grasp at such a young age. But in dumbing down the content, it essentially branded sadness as negative and irritating. This is not the message we should be delivering to little kids.

So, I've ranted. And.......... breathe.
Thanks for listening.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Horror Cliches

To say I have watched a far few horror movies in my time would probably be an understatement. I would actually describe it as a worrying amount of horrors. Lets just say, if I even snapped and went on a killer rampage, they would totally blame it on the amount of time I have spent watching people get gutted. I have learnt a few tricks and tips. 

However, as I have I have seen it all I would like to think I would know what to do if I ever found myself in a Horror-esque situation. I've seen all the cliches and stereotypes, I know who and what to avoid. 

So, I have decided to list all my knowledge, so if you ever find yourself trapped, you would know what to look out for. This may just save your life. 

1. The Car Wont Start
This one is a given. If you are on the run from an ax-wielding maniac, don't even think about jumping in your vehicle. Because nine times out of ten he has probably tampered with the thing, so it won't start. Either that or the breaks have been cut and because you were so desperate to get away you would have forgotten to put on your seat beat and will wind up face first in a tree. Or, third scenario, you drive away only to run out of gas right next to the forest/ cemetery/ abandoned warehouse/ lake... 

2. The Phones Wont Work
Don't bother reaching for the phone, the land-line wires have been cut. You know if someone is planning on having their own personal stab-a-thon they probably have taken out the phones to avoid you immediately just calling the police.
And you can pretty much guarantee there will be no reception anyway, so your mobile is useless. However nowadays this one is a little moot because if you were getting butchered, you could just send out a tweet or something. 

3. Prank Calls
IF your phone does work, there is a chance you will receive some form of menacing call. Either the killer will goad you into doing something stupid, will terrorize you purely by talking to you or they may just do the classic creepy breathing. There is also a chance you'll get a phone call from the police telling you that the killer is actually in the house and you need to be safe. If that is the case... GTFO! Don't go off and save anyone. If they have walked away on their own, that's their fault. Just spread the word fast and run for your life. 
Also, you can also just *69 (or 1471 in the UK) and figure out who is prank calling anyway. Modern technology is much better than it was in the 80s.

4. Adults Just Don't Get It
If you are a teen and something weird is going on, don't tell an adult. They will not listen. They will treat you like an idiot, act like they don't care or will flat out ignore everything you say. They don't get it.

5. Women Will Fall When Running.
Granted this one is a rather sexist stereotype, but it is worth mentioning. Logic would be to wear sensible shoes. I hardly ever wear high heels. Not because I think Michael is going to pop out from behind the bushes, but because logic tells me to wear something I can run in. The world is an unsafe place. You always have to be careful. And, thanks to horror movies, I know that when I DO run, I will look out for any obstacles that may get in my way. Also, I'm sorry to say if you are a female who is gifted in the chest department you will not survive. 

6. Sex = Death
This one is a favourite of mine. I mean, if your friends are slowly getting taken out one by one, who the hell thinks its an appropriate time to get nekked? Seriously? Unless death gives you the horn - in which case, I worry for your sanity - the last thing you should be thinking is getting your end away, especially after such brutality.

7. Death Anniversaries Equal Carnage.
Always keep an eye out if an anniversary is coming up. If someone was brutally butchered without explanation and the killer got away, hide. Because you can guarantee they will be back and will want to take out as many people as possible. Nothing says Happy Anniversary like offing the local idiot teenagers. 
This one also ties in to a sub-cliche.... if someone was murdered years ago and there was no explanation, then suddenly more people are dying, it is very likely the murders all tie in together. 

8. Never Investigate and Never Split Up.
The people who go off on their own are asking for it. If you are in an empty house and you hear a noise, DO NOT GO AND INVESTIGATE. Who the hell thinks that is a good idea? These are the people who usually vanish and then their bodies end up hanging somewhere in a grotesque fashion. This is what you get for acting like Sherlock. Also, when you have the advantage of being in a group, why bother splitting up? It never works for the Scooby gang so it won't work for you.

9. Attics and Basements Are a No-Go.
If the lights go out and the circuit breaker is in the attic or the basement, fuck it. Just get out of the house. Don't bother investigating, because that is usually where the killer is hiding. Or, its where they have been hiding out before hand. You will end up stumbling onto their little den where they have been sleeping, and as you slowly pace back in fear, they will appear behind you. 

10. Houses Have History.
If you find a house that has been on the market for ages and is stupidly under-priced, check its history out. If anyone has been murdered in it, do not buy it. It is either possessed, haunted, or the killer will be back.

11. Check the Backseat of your Car.
This one is actually good life advice too. You never know who or what may be lurking in your backseat. 

12. If a Virus has Spread, Run.
Don't bother saving your infected loved ones, even if you think there is still a little bit of them in there, because they will infect you. Its a kill or be killed situation. If I was infected I would like to think my family would have the decency of doing me in there and then. Don't drag out the inevitable. 

13. Stay Away from Mirrors.
The killer will either smash through it and kill you, or will appear behind you. Also, DON'T say Bloody Mary or Candyman multiple times. Don't be THAT guy! 

14. Crazy Locals Know Shit.
If some weird, trampy, local loony tries to warn you away from the lake, listen to him. He probably knows what he is talking about and is crazy for a reason. He has seen some things man, and some stuff. He wouldn't recommend it. 

15. There's a Storm Coming.
If someone gets killed and suddenly a storm rips through your town.... run. Bad weather is the perfect setting for a killing spree. The mud is slippery, everything gets dark so its easier to hide and the lightening keeps everyone jumpy. 

16. They are Down, Not Out. Never Check.
Just because you have knocked the killer down, it does not mean they are done. They will rise, and get you. So don't bother leaning over to see if they are breathing because that's asking for it. They will rise up and choke you to death. Same goes for de-masking a killer.
This one also ties into a sub-cliche.... Killers are indestructible. You can shoot them, stab them, electrocute them.... they will not stop. You aim for the head. And always, ALWAYS double tap.

18. Killers Never Run.
Don't bother sprinting away, because killers don't run. Keep up a brisk jog/run that you can maintain for a while. They will always keep up with you, even whilst just walking, so there is no point in you busting a lung.

19. Weird Voices and Other Languages.
If someone (mainly a child) suddenly starts speaking in a completely different language or in a voice that is not their own, don't ask questions. Just kill them.

20. Skip the Bath or Shower.
So what if you smell, I'd rather stink than die. Getting into a bath is basically doing the drowning work for the killer. All they have to do is hold your head down. Also, you have the embarrassment of dying whilst nude. 

21. Prepare for Jump Scares.
This could be something as small as a cat appearing out of nowhere, lightening causing you to jump, someone innocent grabbing you by the shoulder, someone bumping into you as you walk backwards. These ALWAYS happen so remember to carry clean pants.

22. Don't Watch a VHS if it is Unlabelled.
Why the fuck would you watch it anyway? It's not going to be the new Batman movie or a classic like Casablanca. It's likely to be a horrid snuff film and by watching it you have cast yourself in the sequel. 

23. The Heroine Will Suddenly Become MacGyver.
If the quiet, introverted girl suddenly turns into a mini MacGyver or John McClane, stick with her. she is the one to take the killer out. 

24. Avoid Token Horror Places.
Do not go anywhere that is abandoned, avoid cemeteries, the woods, the lake, deserted towns... This one seems pretty obvious but you'd be surprised. 

25. Avoid Stereotypical Characters.
The dumb bimbo will be killed, usually first. The overly manly man will also be killed, usually in a rather brutal way. The jester of the gang is one of the last to die. Stoners always snuff it, and their last word is always... "Dude". If you are any of these people.... bye. 

26. Never Babysit.
Unless it is a family member, avoid babysitting at all costs. And if you are ever roped into babysitting, lock all the doors and take the phone off the hook. If things kick off, run. Leave the kids, they're dead anyway.

27. Clowns Are Evil.
End of. If you see one, run for your fucking life!! 

28. Skip-ropes Are a Bad Omen.
If you see a bunch of young girls playing skip rope, singing something eerie.... you're fucked. End of. Sorry.

29. Shut the Hell Up.
If you have just ran from the killer and are attempting to hide somewhere, don't cry or pant. Also, when running, don't scream. 

30. Don't Fake a Move.
If you are being chased upstairs and you run into a bedroom, don't open the window then hide in the closet hoping they'd take the bait. They are not stupid. If you have a chance to get to a window, USE IT!! 

Friday, 24 July 2015

My Buffy Soundtrack

Anyone who knows me is aware of my Buffy obsession. It started when I was thirteen and has adapted throughout the years as I grew. Right at the beginning I was insane. Like borderline worshipping Buffy. It was quite worrying at times. 
It started with the hair.... I needed her hair cuts. I attempted a fringe as Season One was airing, then cut everything off when Season Two started. I tried bleaching my hair, tried layers and feathering (which DID NOT look good as my hair was - and still is - painfully thick) but at the time, I didn't care. I wanted to be Buffy. 
During that obsession I also fixated on her clothes. Mainly the first three seasons, but this obsession was just as bad as the first one. I made an actual list of every single outfit she wore. Including the hair accessories and jewelry. I think I still have these notes, somewhere around. 
After those two obsessions faded I started on the house. I wanted Buffy's hair, then her clothes, then her bedroom. I tried buying identical home-ware just so I would match............ I told you it was bad. 

Then I started on the soundtrack. I needed every single song ever used on that show. I bought random albums just for single tracks, I downloaded torrent after torrent of files about Buffy to locate all the hidden gems I could. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, but I was a girl on a mission. If only I had known how easy it was to convert YouTube audio to MP3, I wouldn't have had to spend YEARS looking. Grumble.

THANKFULLY, the crazy obsession faded and I grew to appreciate everything about the show. But I will admit, the soundtrack has remained my favourite of the obsessions. I have all the tracks on my iPod and I play them when it's sunny and I'm feeling happy. (I also have a depressing playlist I put on when I'm blue) but mostly when I'm in a good mood I pop the music on. 

Anyway.... yesterday I saw a post on Tumblr where someone listed their favourite 'Buffy Music Moments' and I liked the idea so much I decided to put a list together myself. This is a mish-mash of my favourite songs, usually just because of the song in general but sometimes because of the scene that goes along with it.

Season One

This song is on both versions of the album 'Radio Sunnydale'.

Stoner Love, Superfine - Teachers Pet

I tracked this one down online.

Jobs Eye, Far - The Pack
This song is on the album 'Tin Cans with Strings For You'.

I’ll Remember You, Sophie Zelmani - Angel
I tracked this one down online.

Inconsolable, Jonatha Brooke - Prophecy Girl
This song is on the album 'Plumb'.


Season Two

It Doesn’t Matter, Alison Krauss - When She was Bad
This song is on 'The Buffy Album'.

Sugar Water, Cibo Matto - When She was Bad
This song is on the album Viva! La Woman and also the UK edition of 'Radio Sunnydale'.

Stupid Thing, Nickel - School Hard
I tracked this one down online.

Fate, Dingoes Ate my Baby - Inca Mummy Girl
This song is on the album 'Thrown to the Wolves' by 'Four Star Mary'. 

She, Louis Says - Reptile Boy
I tracked this one down online.
This song is on 'The Buffy Album'.

I Only Have Eyes for You, Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes for You
This song is on the album 'Flamingo Serenade'.

Full of Grace, Sarah McLachlan - Becoming Part 2
This song is on the album 'Surfacing'.


I tracked this one down online.

This song is on the album 'Disraeli Gears'.

Wild Horses, The Sundays - The Prom
This song is on 'The Buffy Album.'


This song is on 'The Buffy Album'.

I tracked this one down online.

This song is on the album 'Carnival of the Animals'.


This song is on the UK edition of 'Radio Sunnydale'.

This song is on both versions of the album 'Radio Sunnydale'.

Season Six

This song is on the album ' Golden State'.

This song is on the US edition of 'Radio Sunnydale'.

Season Seven

Blue, Angie Hart, Conversations With Dead People
This song is on both versions of the album 'Radio Sunnydale'.

This song is on the album 'South'.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Periods 2, Electric Boogaloo.

(I had this one in my drafts for a while now as I was seeking input on menstruation after menopause, but instead I've just decided to post it as it)

I've have had so much input regarding periods that I needed a part two. I'll try not to be too gross this time.

With the last post I covered the struggles through a regular period, but now I will be covering a few other issues. I was planning on writing about what periods are like during and after the menopause but I didn't get much input regarding that. I did however get a lot of info on pregnancy periods.... I thought what I went through was bad, but after having a chat with a few friends and family I realised that I was even more naive that I thought. I have it pretty easy. There is a whole new level of horror out there. 

After pregnancy periods

Obviously, this was something that didn't cross my mind because I don't have kids or even plan on having them, but apparently the periods you get after having a baby get much worse. They are heavier, more painful and can last much longer. I googled a little and read that some women can bleed constantly for over a month after having a child. YIKES! 

One friend confessed that before falling pregnant she had difficult periods but once her baby was born it got a hell of a lot worse. She went through 21 sanitary pads in one day. (My average is four a day. So that is terrifying.) Her description of the pain is "like there was a team of people inside her, ripping and chewing their way through the womb, trying to get out". And she said it took a year for them to get back to 'normal'.  

The many misconceptions people have regarding falling pregnant and having children is shocking. People believe that once a girl is pregnant, she won't have a period. This is completely false. Some women still continue to bleed, and can do for the entirety of the pregnancy. I myself have been rather deluded for quite some time. I believed that it wouldn't take long for your body to recover from pregnancy and labour, obviously I'm wrong. It really makes me think, if I consider the amount of women who get knocked up again almost immediately after having a baby, that's not even given the body a chance to get back to normal. 

Also, I was informed that after you have a child, during your first period you probably won't be able to use tampons for a while because they won't stay in due to the stretching. One friend even confessed that she has to go back to the hospital because they didn't stitch her up properly after her perineum tore and she hardly has any skin between the base of her vagina and her anus anymore. 

Mens reaction to periods

This is something bugs the shit out of me. Growing up around guys (at school, in college and at work) they used to treat any girl on their period like a leper. I get that they are just reacting to something they don't have experience with and don't understand, but its the equivalent of us judging them on morning wood and wet dreams. Its completely natural.

And it's not dirty either. The blood that comes out every month is not gross, coagulated blood. I think the stigma with periods is because everyone assumes stuff that comes out of a body is technically waste, period blood gets tarnished with the same brush. 

I'm lucky as I have not had to deal with pig headed guys, but I have heard stories from friends that their male partners have outright refused to purchase anything for them to assist with that time of the month. Some have even gone as far as not allowing the products in their shopping trolleys. The worst story I have been told is that one of my female friends had to sleep on the sofa every month, because her boyfriend feared that she would 'bleed on him in the night'.Thankfully she dumped the shit not soon after.

This is the bullshit some women have to deal with. It's not fair. 

I know not all men are like that, in fact some are really supportive. My ex housemate would always buy me chocolate. He could just tell I needed it.

Birth Control.

Monthly pills, injections, rods.... can sometimes be a blessing, as they help regulate and shorten periods, but can also assist in easing the cramps too. However, they don't work for everyone. 

I have spent years trying various different contraceptive, not just to avoid pregnancy but to help regulate myself, but all my experiences have been horrible. I spent most of my teens and early twenties on Microgynon but that made me bloated and spotty, so I changed to a progesterone-only pill or 'the mini pill' which was great for a while but eventually destroyed my sex drive and gave me migraines. I stopped taking anything for a while but my periods became so erratic I needed to get better control of them, so my doctor put me on Yasmin. This made my breasts get bigger but also made me extremely aggressive, so i had to stop. Last year I thought I'd try going on the Depo Injection (the three month jab) to get rid of my periods altogether, but after one injection I went up three dress sizes, and that freaked me out. I struggle with my weight as it is, I didn't need anything more to cause issues. 

So if you do decide to go on any form of medication to assist, do some research and be prepared for some negative side effects.